Burlington Cable Access Television, October 18, 2017
2nd Annual Hungry Bowl Pet Food Drive– “Wendi Dellemonico, owner of A Better Way Petting Sitting, has for the second year in a row partnered with Burlington’s elementary schools……”
Burlington Cable Access Television, October 18, 2017
2nd Annual Hungry Bowl Pet Food Drive– “Wendi Dellemonico, owner of A Better Way Petting Sitting, has for the second year in a row partnered with Burlington’s elementary schools……”
Burlington Union, Burlington, MA – Mar 20, 2008 – New homeowners of Burlington are not only moving into a great town, but are receiving quite a welcome. The Burlington Welcomes YOU program, implemented last November, is delivering a recycling bin of goodies right to the homeowner’s front door. The program serves a dual purpose of welcoming new residents and encouraging more people to do their part to help save the environment and support the town’s mission to save funds in trash removal.
Burlington Union, Burlington, MA –September 23, 2007–A chain of events helped business owner, Wendi Dellemonico, bring new residents a warm welcome. Dellemonico, of A Better Way Errand and Pet Sitting Service, (ABW), wanted to establish a homeowner program to help ease the transition of moving to a new town, but wasn’t sure how she would deliver the information that participating businesses would be providing. Not long after her idea, Dellemonico happened to meet Selectman Sonia Rollins at a mutual friend’s house, where she told Rollins of her plans.
Burlington Union, Thursday, Feb 15, 2007, By Jodi Blasé. Wendi Dellemonico, owner of A Better Way Errand and Pet Sitting Service, is always looking for ways to help animals.
Through an article, she learned that human oxygen masks are inefficient on animals. Moreover, when house fires occur many pets will seek hiding spots. Unfortunately, by the time they are discovered it is often too late.
“Without pet masks fire crews have had to resort to using human oxygen masks, which don’t seal properly around an animal’s face, or simply conduct mouth-to-snout resuscitation. Pets that do get rescued have the ability to make a miraculous recovery. Having specialized oxygen masks can make their chances even greater,” said Dellemonico.
Burlington Union, June 1, 2006, By Jodi Blasé. Wendi Dellemonico has always wanted to help people, but never had the stomach for a medical career. “I was a healthcare and staffing recruiter for 15 years. It was a way for me to be in the medical field without having to be on the front line,” she said.
Dellemonico left her job with her first pregnancy, opting to work as an on-call coordinator from home. After 12 years the company closed, leaving Dellemonico to reflect what it was she wanted to do with the rest of her life. She began researching opportunities that would allow her to work from home and to continue to raise her children. While online, she happened upon an article on concierge service. Dellemonico soon found various websites across the country that discussed errand and concierge services.