- Pet sitting services are performed between 8:00AM and 8:00PM. (Service before 8:00 AM may, on occasion, be able to be accommodated)
- 24 hour notice for service is appreciated, but we will make every effort to accommodate last minute requests.
- Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Daily, midday clients must cancel services by 9:00AM on the morning of service in order to avoid being charged for that day of service.
- Payment for vacation pet sitting is due at onset of services. All other pet sitting is billed weekly or monthly prior to the start of service.
- Mileage for errand services is billed at .55/mile after the first 10 miles. Errand service rate begins at onset of travel and ends at completion of service.
- All client information is confidential and will not be shared with any 3rd party unless requested by the client.
- $25 fee for all returned checks.
- We accept cash, checks and money orders.
- We will only perform legal and ethical services.